Monday, May 21, 2007

The Captian is Back!

After a few lackluster off season appearences in which he appeard to be a well rounded, intellectual, and mature individual, Kevin "Godfather" Casey was back to his old self this weekend. "Busch Light"brought the Rangers to a whole new level with his antics, consuming massive amounts of Bud Light while managing to stay upright most of the time, only falling off a barstool once, much to the amusement of the patrons of Gios! All the rangers can say is Welcome Back Kevin!


kcasey1318 said...

I believe I am still a well rounded intellectual. I just fall off bar stools.

kcasey1318 said...

Hey I forgot about one more nickname. This is straight from the Mad Dogs website:

Kevin "Deep Dish" Casey hails from the Chicago region. Originally a California native, Deep Dish was recruited by Loyola University of Chicago to play infield. Deep Dish also played with the Chicago Rangers baseball club, posting .350 and .400 averages in two seasons. Dish leaves the Rangers as their all-time homerun leader.

The Dogs expect big things from this guy.

Ranger63 said...

They forgot to mention your intensity, fortitude and concentration - things that all Mad Dogs have.