Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Luecke Leaves Team to Follow Life Long Dream

According to a source close to the team, Chicago Rangers founder and head blogsman Lucas Luecke has left the Chicago Rangers to pursue what he calls "a life long dream."

Calls to Luecke were not immediately answered, but some amateur Internet research has made a probable link to the following available position with the Schaumburg Flyers club:

Luecke has been quoted in the past as saying "I would jump at the first opportunity to get off this God Forsaken team [Rangers]" When asked to elaborate on those comments, Luecke went on to say "I like to rake stuff."

Ranger spokesperson and 16th man Tom Heindl had this to say about Luecke's departure "well, I guess that opens up that best drinker #2 slot on the all time rankings. It's for the better."


Tom1913 said...

Luke, you will be missed. No one was better at teaching the art of swinging at the first pitch as well as getting beaned on a strike right down the middle. Our loss, the Flyers gain.

Heartattack 19 said...

Winnemac Park will never be the same.....Nobody else knows how to use the noozle wagon!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Luke! You are moving on to bigger and better noozles. The days of using bottles from the trash to clear away puddles the size of Lake Michigan, and metal detectors to find base posts are behind you. Winnemac will miss your soft and gentle touch!