Thursday, July 19, 2007

Chicago Rangers Single Season Offensive Records

Entering 2007, the single season Ranger offensive records are:

AVG : .563 - Colin Clark (2006)
Hits : 36 - Tim Brannon and Isaiah Panatsis (2005)
At Bats : 93 - Kevin Casey (2005)
Singles : 30 - Tim Brannon (2005)
Doubles : 9 - Lucas Luecke (2002)
Triples : 6 - Isaiah Panatsis (2005)
Home Runs : 4 - Isaiah Panatsis (2005)
SLG% : .753 - Isaiah Panatsis (2005)
Walks : 19 - Tim Brannon (2003)
HBP : 14 - Lucas Luecke (2003)
SAC : 7 - Tim Brannon (2005)
OBP% : .611 - Colin Clark (2006)
Stolen Bases : 19 - Kevin Casey (2005)
Strike Outs : 32 - Brian Salgado (2006)
Runs Scored : 30 - Tim Brannon (2002)
RBI : 32 - Isaiah Panatsis (2005)


kcasey1318 said...

Awesome post Luke. 2 things- Is there a minimum # of AB's for the career AVG leader? Also, does anyone know what the record is for individual hitting streaks?

Ranger63 said...

I wasn't really sure what to use for minimum AB's for average and slugging. MLB uses a formula that a batter must average 3.1 plate appearances per scheduled game to qualify for the batting title. For us, that would mean 84 plate appearances. Using that formula would probably change a couple things. Colin's 563 average last year was only 16 AB's (18 PA).

I have no record of individual hitting streaks.

Heartattack 19 said...

I think records are for dorks, unless there is a record that i hold, in which case, it is the most hallowed record and there should be a shrine to its existence!