Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pre-AB music

We got into this discussion a bit after the win over the Chicago Bitches, er, Hounds Sunday afternoon. What song would you want as your introduction before stepping to the plate?

I'll start it off. My choice would either be the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme" or "Get Crunked Up." If you wanna be a dick about it, you might suggest "Another One Bites the Dust" by Queen for my prodigious strikeout numbers.

Some of my suggestions for some the Rangers:

Luke -- "Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows" (I know, obvious choice.)
Tim -- "It's Raining Men"
Mike -- Theme from "MacGuyver" in honor of his instant dugout kit.
Jody -- "I Get Around" by Tupac. 80? I don't think I know 80 people, let alone 80 women.

Your turn. Blow up the comments...


Heartattack 19 said...

We are not creative enough, your first post is always so good that we can not add!

Isaiah should be "Big Pimpin"

Swary has circus music

Godfather should come up to wahat else, the theme from Godfather

I know these suck, but i think i brained my damage!

Anonymous said...

I know I don't actually play for your team, but I always thought "Business" from "The Eminem Show" would be a kick@$$ piece of pre-at-bat music.

Heartattack 19 said...

We know Wiggy had the theme from "Chariots of Fire" when they were running in slow motion on the beach, except he was trying to run full speed!