Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ichiro hates Swag's hometown

Ichiro and the mighty Mariners arrived in Cleveland this weekend to take on, and defeat, the mighty Tribe. Upon arriving, some brillaint Cleveland reporter, lacking the brain to ask a good question, asked Ichiro if he liked coming to Cleveland. Most likely he was guaging the soon-to-be free agent's interest in the Tribe, despite the fact they can't pay him. Ichiro responded to the reporter through his interpreter: "If I ever saw myself saying I’m excited going to Cleveland, I’d punch myself in the face, because I’m lying" Now that is an incredibly hilarious/honest/awesome response. Ichiro may be my new favorite player not on the Cubs...at least until next year when he is our right fielder.


Heartattack 19 said...

No matter what Drew Carey says, Cleveland does not rock! It may rumble, but definetly not rock...

Ranger63 said...

As long as Ichiro likes rainbows, Swag is cool with him.