Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chicago Rangers Baseball Cards (Part 6)

Jason Thorn, the only man who could possibly compete with Bob Wacker for the "Champion of Life" Moniker. A valuable Utility player from 2003 to 2006, Jason suffered a career threatening injury when he was beaned in the arm by a Henry Peters fastball against the A's at Portage Park. The ball shattered both the ulna and radius bones and required several plates and screws in order to let the bones heal properly. Chief Rangers Paramedic Chad Pilcher diagnosed him on the spot and dispatched him to the nearest orthopedic surgeon.
Thorny is yet another Loyola Club baseball player and once hit two home runs at Loyola Park against the Seminarians of St. Joes. He was a champion on road trips and if the Rangers ever go on a road trip tournamnet, he will be forced to be on the team! A lifelong Cubs fan, Thorn's license plate once read "Ryno 282" and wore number 17 in honor of Mark Grace. Jason currently resides in Chicago and works downtown.

1 comment:

EMO15 said...

One of my biggest regrets is having played only 1 season with the magnanimous Jason Thorn. Every time I venture out to the bars of Chicago I secretly hope to run into this fine fellow, knowing that my night will be an epic one. I raise my glass in honor of you Thorn, wherever you may be.