Saturday, May 26, 2007

Lucas Luecke to miss game

Taking full advantage of the Roger Clemens' clause he wrote into his own contract, general manager/right fielder/ chief landscaper, Lucas Luecke will be skipping Sunday's game to spend time with his family. When reached for comment, Luecke proclaimed, "I deserve this after putting up with these guys for the last 6 seasons!" Coach Brannon declared, "Luecke has earned this right and his presence will be sorely missed on the field and in the bar. However this will mark at least the 4th time Luecke has failed to come to the bar following a game or practice, this may put his #2 drinker status in jeopardy." The Rangers' loss is Freeport's gain.

1 comment:

Heartattack 19 said...

I heard that the baseball field for the Freeport Pretzels needed some emergency maintenance and they flew Luke out there to work his "magic"!