Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Braves Manager Cox shows Rangers Brannon how to get tossed

Atlanta Braves Manager, Bobby Cox, became the all-time leader in ejections. Cox was tossed after the fifth inning Tuesday night, breaking John McGraw's record for career ejections. Rangers manager, Tim Brannon, acknowledged the feat and claimed that he still has plenty of time to catch up with the venerable Cox. He mentioned that the Rangers will be playing at Grosche Field next week and said that playing at Grosche has always fired him up. In fact he has the most ejections in his career at the Waukegan park. The last time he was thrown out of a game in Waukegan, Brannon insisted that the the dismissal was "the best call the ump made all game." With this type of attitude and Brannon's temper, there is no doubt that one day he will surpass Cox.


TB said...

Did someone really post anonymously to call me a little bitch...I find that pretty ironic

TB said...

Oh yeah, and why don't we have any pictures of me yelling at umpires...our photographers suck

Anonymous said...

Bruce Bochy is doing better at managing a team than Tim is. That's saying a lot!

Anonymous said...

I wish the Rangers had their old manager back so I could get some PT and never get pulled from a game!